It’s November



Can anyone believe that it is already November? I spent the first 9 months of the year wrenching & learning how to wrench at Paragon Cycling, and now I’ve spent the last month teaching high school.

I am thankful for the time I spent with Ray & Travis at Paragon. The time I spent at the shop was instrumental in my decision to try out cyclocross racing. My first race was last weekend, thanks to the folks at AZCross. It was awesome (and hard). My next race is the first Heavy Metal Hammerfest next Saturday. I am planning on doing the Focus race on Sunday, as well.

Teaching is going great. I’ve commuted a few times by bike- it’s a pretty great ride from Mesa to Phoenix. Again, thanks to my time at the shop, and the commuting & riding I did while I was working there, my range expanded. My girlfriend & I are making Central Phoenix our home base next week, and I am stoked to explore from there.

Have fun riding your bike